Sunday, 24 January 2016

Mother Nature as Healer

Nature cures not the physician said the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It has been known for centuries that nature has a healing quality. People are drawn to nature in many ways. They instinctively turn to outdoors as a way of relaxing and to enhance their well-being. It is a source of inspiration, comfort, guidance and regeneration. Some die-hard nature lovers are allured to a specific aspect of nature such as meditating on a mountain, laying on a wildflower field, strolling beside a meandering stream or rambling in redwood groves. Studies have revealed the fact that contact with nature can lower blood pressure, sharpen mental states, improve behavior and learning among children.
Wild animals first seek solitude and absolute relaxation while relying on complete remedies of nature. They know unerringly which herbs will cure what ills. The ability of the creatures to pick what they need can be uncanny. For example: a bear grubbing for fern roots; a wild turkey impelling her babies in a cool and rainy spell to eat leaves of the spice bush, an animal bitten by a poisonous snake, confidently masticating snakeroot. An animal with fever quickly spots an airy, shady place near water, there remaining quite, eats nothing but drinks often until its health is fully recovered. An animal afflicted by rheumatism discovers a suitable location to lay under the hot sunlight until misery bakes out.

A series of deadly diseases emerged from medical treatment intended to cure other diseases known as iatrogenic ailments. A drug named cortisone has been hailed as a wonder cure for arthritis. This drug bring skin rashes, ulcers and minimize body's resistance to infection as an after effect. Certain anti-biotic have been found to damage the liver that cause anemia or tumors. A drug formerly was used as a sedative, thalidomide so-called safe sleeping pill was responsible for congenital malformation in new born babies, but later banned in UK in the early 60's.Many people today still believe that naturopathy is the most safest and suitable remedies for curing disease. Naturopaths believe that one should lead a simple life free from stress, anxiety and worry, get plenty of fresh air, regular exercise and a balanced diet. The body needs natural foods uncontaminated by new virulent drug resistant superbugs ,synthetically manufactured food additives, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and pharmaceutical medications.

Hippocrates believed in the life force, a healing power present in the body itself could improve the balance of health. He and his followers implemented some fresh air, a plain diet with use of spices to purge impurities from heart and lungs by means of sneezing, massage, water treatment, wine or barley water as drinks.

Hippocrates, who believed that disease and cure were both natural processes, with Galen, the last of the ancient physicians
A hot bath is a liquid hypo therapy or Hydrotherapy, which acts as a cleansing agent has a peaceful and soothing effect and makes you feel insulated from your troubles.

History of Hydrotherapy:
Water therapy has been around for centuries. It is one of the oldest form of therapy that have been used for the treatment of disease and injury by many cultures comprising of ancient Rome, China and Japan. The Ancient Greeks took therapeutic baths. The Romans took over the idea of bathing from the Greeks and they built vast public baths or thermae which made available to all Romans for a small charge. Social life encircled around the palatial buildings where ordinary men, women could enjoy hot baths, cold baths, vapor and shower baths. During those times, a special instrument called strigils were used to scrape against their body instead of soap. The early Christians had a misconception that hot baths led to wickedness and the thermae fell into ruins. They raised no objection to cold water. Pagan Europe had many healing wells or springs dedicated to various local deities where pilgrims drank the water and immersed their body in it. During the 14th century, some waters were acclaimed to eliminate curse of barrenness in women.
The Fountain of Youth, a painting by the 16th century German Lucas Cranach depicts how old women become young girls after a dip in the magical waters.
By 1580, a French scholar Montaigne during his visit to the spas of Europe, discovered a new way to dissolve his kidney stone by water. He found hot springs, warm springs and waters that contained elements of liquorice oriron, alum or sulphur. By late 16th century, throughout the entire Europe, cult of water cure escalated. Doctors encouraged their patients to drink them that contained medicinal properties. Even when waters had little therapeutic powers, the chances of recovering health at a spa were often higher.
In 19th century, a peasant farmer Vincenz Preissnitz well-known as Water Demon of Grafenburg is generally considered the founder of modern hydro-therapy. His cold water cures were demanding. In 1816, he was seriously injured when his ribs were crushed by a wagon and doctors declared his case was fatal. But he eventually succeeded by curing himself, keeping a cold wet compress to his chest for a year. He eventually became renowned for applying principles of water therapy to other afflictions and started healing animals and his neighbors by pouring cold water.
Vincenz Priessnitz, Water Demon of Grafenburg, 'father of modern hydrotherapy'
History of Homeopathy
A German physician Samuel Hahnemann who was an erudite, religious man, a linguist and a chemist introduced a new method of treatment called homeopathy which is derived from Greek word, homios meaning like and pathos meaning suffering. In 1790, he tested the powers of quinine on himself when he developed symptoms of fever. He conducted other experiments with other substances and concluded that like cures like. He believed that the proper drug reacted by setting an antagonistic fever which battled against the illness.
Curing scurvy by Lemon juice:
When a disease is detected and a cure is recommended, the treatment could take several years to gain acceptance. One such case materialized in 1593, a fatal and painful disease known as Scurvy caused by lack of Vitamin C, a substance that occurs in several vegetables and fruits, especially in citrus fruits. An English admiral Sir Richard Hawkins son of the Elizabethan pirate and explorer Sir John Hawkins complained of scurvy from which tens of thousands of sailors died. He said that most fruitful for this illness is sour oranges and lemons. James Lind, a British naval surgeon proclaimed that the disease could be cured by adding mustard cress, tamarinds, oranges or lemons in the diet.
Dosing tailors with lime juice as a preventive against scurvy on an Arctic expedition

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